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الأربعاء، 18 نوفمبر 2015
الثلاثاء، 17 نوفمبر 2015
Slot Car Speed Insanity! 21
These are the European Slot Car Racing Championships held in Helsinki, Sweden. You’d need a high speed camera to get a decent picture of this insanity!
الاثنين، 16 نوفمبر 2015
WA Liquor and Cannabis Control Board Catches 7 Local Businesses Selling to Minors
Samaritan's Purse Kicks Off Operation Christmas Child in Yakima
Samaritan's Purse Kicks Off Operation Christmas Child in Yakima
The Latest: French Officials Looking for Suspect in Paris Attacks
The Latest: French Officials Looking for Suspect in Paris Attacks
WA Liquor and Cannabis Control Board Catches 7 Local Businesses Selling to Minors
WA Liquor and Cannabis Control Board Catches 7 Local Businesses Selling to Minors
Yakima Crossing Guards Concerned With Distracted Drivers and Speeders in School Zones
Yakima Crossing Guards Concerned With Distracted Drivers and Speeders in School Zones
Yakima Wanted Person Tries to Run from Sheriff
Yakima Wanted Person Tries to Run from Sheriff
UPDATE: Homicide Investigation Underway After a Woman's Body Was Found on a Trail Near Selah
UPDATE: Homicide Investigation Underway After a Woman's Body Was Found on a Trail Near Selah
Coats for Kids Drive in Full Swing in Yakima & Tri-Cities
Coats for Kids Drive in Full Swing in Yakima & Tri-Cities
Supreme Court: Legality of Eyman Anti-Tax Initiative Unclear
Supreme Court: Legality of Eyman Anti-Tax Initiative Unclear
WSU Seeks Funding for Agriculture Degree Program in Everett
WSU Seeks Funding for Agriculture Degree Program in Everett
Car Chase Out of Grandview Ends Near Benton City, Driver Arrested
Car Chase Out of Grandview Ends Near Benton City, Driver Arrested
السبت، 12 سبتمبر 2015
Airbag Prank Fail
الجمعة، 11 سبتمبر 2015
Windows 10 is sneaking onto Windows 7 and 8 installs without permission
Microsoft is downloading Windows 10 to Windows 7 and 8 machines, even if the user hasn’t expressed permission. A reader of The Inquirer saw that the ~BT Windows 10 folder had appeared on his system even though he hadn’t reserved a copy. He only noticed after spotting a number of failed ‘Upgrade to Windows 10’ messages in his Windows Update history. Microsoft has confirmed this is happening to The Inquirer, as well as VentureBeat and PCWorld when reached for a statement.
Users have been able to opt-in to the free Windows 10 upgrade if they're running Windows 7 or 8, but apparently even if they don't, the files are being downloaded anyway. It's happening on devices which have automatic updates allowed, which we'd generally recommend to catch the latest security and stability updates for Windows.
When asked about this issue, Microsoft responded by saying “For individuals who have chosen to receive automatic updates through Windows Update, we help upgradable devices get ready for Windows 10 by downloading the files they’ll need if they decide to upgrade. When the upgrade is ready, the customer will be prompted to install Windows 10 on the device.” Convenient, if you're installing Windows 7 or 8 specifically to upgrade to Windows 10. Otherwise, not so much.
The automatic download takes up between 3.5 and 6GB of storage space, which may not sound like a lot, but it’s not an insignificant amount for some users. Windows tablets with smaller hard drives are affected, and people with data caps on their Internet connections certainly don’t want that amount of data coming in without permission. The background download could affect people with poor Internet connections too, without them being aware that they're downloading unnecessary files.
Since launch, over 75 million devices have made the upgrade to Windows 10, and some sources say that the number is closer to 100 million.Source===pcgamer
The World's First 3D-Printed Titanium Rib Cage Is a Medical Marvel
الخميس، 10 سبتمبر 2015
The Apple iPad Pro event: A good, sad day for Microsoft
Or might they have thought it the ultimate in scalding irony?
Here was Kirk Koenigsbauer, corporate vice president for Microsoft's Office division, wandering onto the stage of an Apple event. Not because he had lost his temper and wanted to berate Apple CEO Tim Cook, but because there's now a certain level of nice (and need) between the two companies.
Think, though, what he and his company had to endure on Wednesday. Koenigsbauer was at the event to discuss the role Microsoft Office plays on Apple's new 12.9-inch iPad Pro, which when you put all the pieces together might pass as a lookalike for the Microsoft Surface at a casting session.
There, too, was Apple lauding the same thing of which Cook had once said, "Our competition is confused. They're turning tablets into PCs and PCs into tablets."
Those clouds of confusion parted more quickly than a shower on a December day in St. Lucia. Suddenly, it all makes sense and it all looks good. Apple good.
As if, though, to apply a touch of albumen foundation before adding a little yolk mascara to Redmond's face, Apple produced a stylus.
"Who wants a stylus?" Jobs famously said at Macworld in 2007. "You have to get them and put them away and you lose them. Yeuch. Nobody wants a stylus."
Of course, Apple didn't present a stylus on Wednesday. It presented the Apple Pencil. Pencils are cool, you see. They're human. Styluses are chilly and nerdy.
It's not enough having stylus, ya gotta have style.
And there's the essence of Microsoft's cheery melancholy today. As many learn in life, being right often gets you nowhere. "That was my idea" may be honest words that some never get over.
How much worse it will be for some at Redmond if the iPad Pro is a big-screen success. How much worse if it eclipses the Surface Pro.
At the heart of it all, though, is brand.
Where Microsoft once understood that people needed to feel positively about its name and ethos, somehow Bill Gates and then Steve Ballmer let that go in favor of power, dominance and ubiquity.
Where they could have continued an ad campaign such as "Where Do You Want To Go Today?" that put people, hearts and dreams at its core, they forced Windows onto the world's laptops. Not enough people loved Microsoft for it.
Meanwhile, Apple mocked Redmond and became loved. The Mac vs. PC campaign was a manifesto for the identity that those who used Macs wanted to be associated with. It was something for them to feel a part of. It lasted and it worked. It lasted because it worked.
When Microsoft launched Surface, it had an avowedly different-looking product in its hands. It presented this product through some of the most painful advertising ever seen. You surely remember the dancing teens? Oh, they still haunt you?
The Surface product has improved, as have its sales. Microsoft had a three-year head start. But now it must watch Apple's reinterpretation of some of its ideas and wonder whether there's any justice in the world.
There's rarely justice. The best you can hope for is poetry.
In 2012, cartoonist (current project Sharksplode), writer and voice actor Joel Watson predicted that Apple would launch a Surface-like thing in 2015. He has cartoon Steve Ballmer holding a Surface and uttering these words: "In three years when Apple copies this, you cockwads will think it's genius."
So many deep, rational, righteous thinkers decry Cupertino for its alleged distortion field and the supposed reliance on that deadly nonsense known as marketing. But the company has always stopped to think about how to delight humans. This doesn't mean it always gets it right. It does mean that it goes out of its way to try.
How Microsoft wished it had found a way to be held to human bosoms, rather than be kept at arm's length.
Of course, it could be that the iPad Pro will be a failure. I fancy, though, that aside of its more rational business uses, there will be plenty of people who will be only too delighted to be seen with the vast new Apple screen.
In some bars around Washington state on Wednesday night, there will have been more than a few muttering into their glasses of fizzy rosé: "Apple Pencil, my a**."Source===cnet
الثلاثاء، 8 سبتمبر 2015
Metal Gear Solid 5's best secret: You can play the campaign as a woman
FemSnake is awesome. She’s on the title screen. Soldiers stop dead in their tracks and sharply salute her. "Thanks for saving those kids, Boss," they say.
Revolver Ocelot speaks to her in reverent tones, reporting on mission outcomes. When she interrogates a prisoner, she demands "Out with it!" and my heart skips a beat.

Some people will tell me FemSnake is not really Snake, and it’s true. She’s a prisoner you rescue on a mission, but you do get to play almost every mission as her. She can be your protagonist, and is included in many of the cutscenes. She runs Mother Base. She commands the game’s soldiers. She is fully voiced, and her acting is even more menacing than Kiefer Sutherland’s. This is my title screen, featuring my game's hero:
A silent protagonist
I was confused when David Hayter tweeted that he wouldn’t be returning as Snake. As a hardcore fan of the series, I couldn’t imagine long codec monologues with anyone but Hayter. Now that I’m 30 hours in, this design decision makes total sense.Wanting to capture a wider audience, Metal Gear has gone the Portal route with Snake — our now near-silent protagonist. The story happens around him, with imaginative characters like Ocelot, Master Miller and Skull Face providing much of the personality and voice acting. Snake watches everything unfold around him.
In fact, Snake himself barely even matters in this version of Metal Gear. That’s why the game teases you with changing Snake’s character’s race and face in the opening, a feature that delighted my Asian husband. As the online component comes next month, players will represent themselves as their custom avatar. The technical term for this in gamedev parlance is "player agency," giving you control over your game world.
FemSnake is a design compromise to allow female players to play as a woman. And make no mistake, including her was a feature that took quite a bit of development resources from the Metal Gear team. They had to alter the game’s armor implementation to work with her different body proportions. They had to bring in a voice actress. They had to code scenes so Sutherland’s line reads would appear as captions and not voiceover in many scenes. What they did to make this happen across so much content was neither quick nor easy. Someone cared about this feature.
How to make this happen
How do you unlock FemSnake? Go to Prisoner Extraction 02 in Side Ops, which seems to always spawn the otherwise extremely rare woman prisoners. This unlocked my FemSnake, who was assigned the random codename "Obsidian Mole."Then, when choosing a mission, go to Character and you’ll be able to play the rest of the game as her. Her combat stats rise as you play, primarily affecting your health pool — but any other differences between Snake and FemSnake were not perceptible to me.
After you’ve selected your new character, you’ll see them in everything but fully-voiced cutscenes for the remainder of the game, including the title screen. This trick can also be used with any rescued prisoner you’d like to represent you instead of Snake, including those of different races.
This is a nice step forward
Metal Gear fans are used to duality in how the series treats women. I was astonished by the excellent portayal of Meryl Silverburgh when Metal Gear Solid came out in 1998. You felt her emotions, you understood her as a person and cared about her. And then, you burst in on her in the bathroom, creepily staring at her butt and watching her change from her uniform.That’s how I feel playing this latest Metal Gear. I’m both elated and troubled. In researching this piece, I saw hundreds of articles critiquing Quiet’s design. But I didn’t see a single article praising Konami for including an inclusive design compromise that boosts my own enjoyment of the game. You can play through almost the entirety of the game as a woman hero! Or a person of color! This is great news, and needs to be celebrated.
So, to all the team and Kojima Productions, I want to say thank you for this inclusive game design. FemSnake is a huge step forward for the series. None of the core Metal Gear console games have had a female protagonist, and even Metal Gear Online omitted women.
We can’t just critique the steps backwards, we need to notice the steps forward. FemSnake Source==polygon
salutes you.
Pug in Pink Sunglasses Rocks Out on a Tiny Set of Drums to the Metallica Song ‘Enter Sandman’
Reckless Biker Splitting Lanes Eats It Hard
These two bikers were screaming down a highway in Georgia while illegally lane splitting. Sure enough, disaster strikes. They are moving entirely too fast when a car in front of them changes lanes. The first biker can’t correct in time and completely eats bumper and flies over his handle bars!Source===altdriver.
Nokia C1 Android smartphone concept emerges
The concept Nokia C1 would run run on Android Marshmallow, powered by an Intel Atom processor inside. Its proposed 5-inch size and 1080p resolution are both rather conventional, and the suggestion is that Nokia should aim for a budget-friendly device.
The Nokia N1 tablet, introduced earlier this year, sets the likely blueprint for what we can expect from its next mobile device. The N1 was manufactured and distributed by Foxconn, which licensed Nokia's design and brand. There's no guarantee that Foxconn will again be the partner for any new smartphone projects, though given the two companies' established collaboration, it would seem to be a probable candidate. If Nokia does decide to develop an Android smartphone, it wouldn't be its first one ever — that was the Nokia X — though it would be the first without Microsoft's influence and control.
Update September 8th 8:33AM ET: It appears that these pictures are the product of a Nokia fan's imagination rather than prototypes from the Finnish company. They were originally posted by Kim Wayne, who also presented an earlier set of renders of the purported C1.Source==THE VERGE====
GoPro's Google-Powered Camera Is the Next Best Thing To Teleportation
See Reaction After Man Adds Butane Gas to Coke Bottle, Then Flips It Over
A Russian YouTuber published a video late-last that shows him pump a Coca-Cola bottle with butane gas and then flip it over.
The result?
It turns into what he called a “mega rocket,” shooting straight up into the air and leaving a gas stream behind.
“Liquid gas mixed with cola instantly turns into a gaseous state, while increasing in volume more than 500 times!” the YouTuber wrote in the description of the video, according to an online translation.
Since it was uploaded, the footage has gone mega-viral, amassing more than 4 million views on YouTube.
Correction: This story has been amended to reflect that the man added butane gas to the bottle of Coke, not propane gas.Source===BLAZE=====
الاثنين، 7 سبتمبر 2015
California's Longest Zip Line Opens in SoCal
Receive the latest california updates in your inbox
الأحد، 6 سبتمبر 2015
Google’s Latest Chrome Update Emphasizes Speed And Lower Memory Usage

As the company announced in a blog post today, Chrome 45 includes a number of updates that focus on making Chrome load faster and use less memory. When you restart the browser, for example, and Chrome restores your tabs, the browser will now first open those tabs you most recently looked at, so you can get back to work (or browsing car videos) faster.
That will save a few seconds here and there, but the real updates are in how Chrome now manages memory.
Starting with this update, the browser will recognize when your computer is running low on resources when it’s restoring tabs and then stops restoring them until you actively click to restore them yourself. For the most part, this will likely only affect those of you who regularly have a few dozen tabs open, but if memory usage is a major issue on your machine, then every little megabyte counts (and you should probably look at extensions like The Great Suspender, too).
Most importantly, though, Chrome now notices when you’re not using a tab for a while or a website isn’t busy with another task and then uses that time to free up unused memory. Google says its tests have shown that this can cut memory usage by 10 percent on average, though more complex web apps will obviously profit from this more than your average Tripod homepage.
As previously announced, Chrome will now also start automatically pausing Flash videos that it thinks aren’t “central” to a website. For this, Google’s tests have shown that turning on this setting can make your battery last up to 15 percent longer, so Google will now turn this feature on for all users by default in the coming weeks.Source===TC++++++++
الأربعاء، 2 سبتمبر 2015
Sony's Xperia Z5 family includes the world's first 4K smartphone
The world's first 4K phone display
Apart from their displays, the devices are almost identical.
The same, but different
Taking care of number one
Sony's new sensor is exclusive to Xperias, for now.
A fresh start
The big questions
If a 4K display doesn't pique the US carriers' attention, nothing will.